Our Glow Bracelets are premium 8", 5mm , and are the glow the brightest on the market! Our premium Glow Bracelets Glow for 8-12 hours and are super bright. You'd be surprised how wide a smile you'll get out of kids and adults alike when you break out a tube of these! Perfect for any big event or party that leads on into the night.
Long Lasting and Durable: They last hours long so your party will be glowtastic throughout!
- Pack of 50 glow bracelets with several ways to use! Use as stir sticks, connect many glow sticks to create necklaces, and more.
4 Reviews
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Not so good
Half of the bracelets did not work.
Really nice. The clear...maybe blue did not work, but the rest were great! Will order next year. I was disappointed the one bunch wouldn't glow.
I really like this product. The glow was vibrant; the duration was satisfactory.
Product are ok,,, BUT big disappointment because some of the wristbands were activated so therefore i am at a loss